
Status Cancelled
Development Period September 2012 – December 2012
Target Platform PC
Development Plaform Game Maker Studio
Contributions Programming
Co-Creators OĆ°inn Hullekes : Art

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This was my 3rd attempt at starting a development team. Odinn was in charge of art and was based out of the Netherlands. I was in charge of programming and I was based here in the US. This got farther along than previous attempts, largely because there were only 2 of us and we were communicating a lot more. We even made a few devlog episodes. Unfotunately we eventually decided to stop because it was difficult to stay in sync, we had busy schedules, we had made the scope too large and we both sort of lost interest in the project.

We had a complex story in mind. The main character was a boy who randomly gets powers for some unknown reason and he spends the game running from the government in addition to trying to better understand his powers. There were several powers we had in mind. The ones that eventually got implemented were telekenesis, where the player can lift objects with his mind, and a couple variations of force push.

Other than gaining more experience working in teams I also gained a lot from a technical perspective. I wanted to try and make the force push realistic looking so I was very ambitious with the physics system. I ended up getting it working pretty well but rotation was what stumped me. Luckly yoyogames had recently implemented a physics system into Game Maker Studio. It was difficult to learn because using physics meant that I had to do a lot of the basic operations in Game Maker using the physics system rather than the version I was experienced with. I eventually got used to it and was able to make some pretty neat effects. Using this knowledge I was later made a youtube series about the intricacies of using physics in game maker.

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